or * 10. Imports ALL users, and comments from registered users get denormalized properly. * * --> Special thanks to Graham http://tin-men.net for graciously rooting out annoying bugs. * * Isaac Z. Schlueter, August 2005 * Removed importing the post_excerpt, since that isn't really necessary at all, and just makes * certain cool tricks harder to perform later on. * * David J. Leach, Jr - August 7, 2006 * ** Note that these changes have only been tested against WP 2.0.4 ** * 1. Added conditional porting of trackback comments. Mainly because my blog had a ton of spam trackbacks. * 2. Fixed importing of users to import into the format required by WP2.0.4. This includes adding support for the metauser * user data * 3. Attempted to map the b2evolution user level to the wp_user_level and wp_capabilities settings of WP2.0.4 * 4. Fixed importing of comments to set all of the proper fields (gmt, user, etc..). * 5. Fixed importing of posts to get correct author, GMT values, correct comment count. * * Eddy Carroll - January 2015: b2Evolution 0.9 to Wordpress 2.7 compatibility * * 1. Changed some table/column names for compatibility with Wordpress 2.7 * 2. Some additional debugging/cleanup * 3. Not guaranteed to work with any other combinations...! Caveat emptor. * * For older revisions, see * * https://web.archive.org/web/20130401000000* /http://themikecam.com/downloads/import-b2evolution-wp2.php.txt* (Contatenate the two lines so there is no space between the '*' and '/';) * for older revisions. * */ if (!file_exists('../wp-config.php')) die("There doesn't seem to be a wp-config.php file. You must install WordPress before you import any entries."); require('../wp-config.php'); $linkblogs_imported = array(); function import_linkblog( $lbid ) { global $linkblogs_imported; if( in_array($lbid, $linkblogs_imported) ) return true; else $linkblogs_imported[] = $lbid; echo '

Importing Links from Blog #' . $lbid . '

'; global $resb2, $b2_prefix, $wpdb; // map the linkblog cats to wp_linkcategories $evocats = mysql_query( 'SELECT cat_ID, cat_name FROM `' . $b2_prefix . 'categories` WHERE cat_blog_ID = ' . $lbid); $catcnt = 0; $id_result = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$wpdb->linkcategories'"); $newCatID = $id_result->Auto_increment; $catmap = array(); $linkcats = array(); while( $evocat = mysql_fetch_object($evocats) ) { $evocat->cat_name = $wpdb->escape($evocat->cat_name); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->linkcategories (cat_ID, cat_name) VALUES ($newCatID, '$evocat->cat_name')"); $catmap[$evocat->cat_ID] = $newCatID ++; $catcnt++; } // echo '
$catmap: ';
//	print_r($catmap);
//	echo '
'; $cnt = 0; // now import the linkblog posts. $lbposts = mysql_query("SELECT post_URL as 'link_url', post_mod_date as 'link_updated', post_status, post_title as 'link_name', post_category, post_content as 'link_description' from `" . $b2_prefix . "posts` " . 'INNER JOIN `' . $b2_prefix . 'categories` ON post_category = cat_ID ' . ' AND cat_blog_id = ' . $lbid); while( $lbpost = mysql_fetch_object($lbposts) ) { if( preg_match('#]+>#', $lbpost->link_name, $matches) ) { // link has an image in the title. - i do this sometimes with my linkblog posts. // echo 'image found!
$matches: ';
//				print_r($matches);
//				echo '
'; $lbpost->link_image = $matches[1]; $lbpost->link_name = strip_tags($lbpost->link_name); if(!$lbpost->link_name) $lbpost->link_name = '[Image]'; } else { $lbpost->link_image = ''; } $lbpost->link_category = $catmap[$lbpost->post_category]; $post_content = $lbposts->post_content; $post_excerpt = $post_content; if( strpos(strtolower($post_excerpt), '') !== false ) { $post_excerpt = preg_replace('//i','',$post_excerpt); } if( strpos(strtolower($post_excerpt), '') !== false ) { $post_excerpt = preg_replace('//i','',$post_excerpt); $post_excerpt = explode('', $post_excerpt); $post_excerpt = $post_excerpt[0]; } $post_content = $wpdb->escape($lbpost->link_description); $post_excerpt = $wpdb->escape($post_excerpt); $lbpost->link_description = substr($post_excerpt, 0, 255); $lbpost->link_notes = $post_content; $lbpost->link_name = $wpdb->escape($lbpost->link_name); $lbpost->link_visible = ($lbpost->post_status == 'published' ? 'Y' : 'N'); $sql = "INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name , link_category, link_description, link_visible, link_updated, link_notes, link_image) " . "VALUES ('$lbpost->link_url', '$lbpost->link_name', $lbpost->link_category, '$lbpost->link_description', '$lbpost->link_visible', '$lbpost->link_updated', '$lbpost->link_notes', '$lbpost->link_image')"; echo "Running SQL query: $sql\n"; $wpdb->query($sql); $cnt ++; echo '
Imported link: ' . $lbpost->link_name; } echo '
Done. Imported ' . $cnt . ' links in ' . $catcnt . ' link categories.

'; } $step = $_GET['step']; if (!$step) $step = 0; header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' ); ?> WordPress › Import b2evolution Data


Welcome to the WordPress b2evolution import utility. Before getting started, we need some information on your b2evolution database.

Below you should enter your b2evolution database connection details. If you're not sure about these, contact your host.

Database Name The name of the database you have b2evolution installed in. You should have already installed WordPress into this database.
User Name Your MySQL username
Password ...and MySQL password.
Database Host 99% chance you won't need to change this value.
Table Prefix Prefix for the database tables, "evo_" is default.
Blog to Import Do you want to import a single blog, or all blogs in the database? If you just want to import a single blog, then enter the blog ID (number) in this box - not the blog name! Enter multiple blog IDs as a comma-separated list, like "2, 3, 4", or "all" for all blogs.
Import blog names as top-level categories?
Import linkblog as "Links"?
If you're only importing one blog, and have a Linkblog associated with it, then checking "yes" will import your linkblog posts as "Links" in WordPress.
What should I do with posts that have a URL?

In b2evolution, you can post a URL with each post. In some skins, the post title links to the url you choose. WordPress doesn't support this, but it does support the use of "Meta" tags to attach additional info to posts. I can also put the URL in the post body, if you'd like.
Should I import posts marked "deprecated", or just abandon them?

WordPress doesn't support the "protected" or "deprecated" statuses. However, you CAN individually protect posts with a password, which is pretty sweet. Protected posts are going to be imported as "private", since that's the closest match. "Deprecated" is a bit weird though, so I need your help.

Should I import trackbacks or just abandon them?
Because of B2Evolution's problems with spam trackback this option was added to purge all trackbacks when porting to WordPress.
1 '; } else { $sql .= ' WHERE blog_ID IN (' . $b2_blog . ')'; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY blog_ID'; $b2blogs = mysql_query($sql,$resB2); if (!$b2blogs) exit("No blogs returned from the b2evolution database! " . $sql); ?>

All right sparky, this is where the actual import takes place! Do you feel lucky today? :p

get_var("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name='fileupload_url'");
//	$filepath_b2 = "http://".$b2_url."/media/";

//	echo "b2Evolution file path: ".$filepath_b2."
"; // echo "WordPress file path: ".$filepath_wp."

"; // get authors for blog echo "Importing User records ...
"; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM `" . $b2_prefix . "users` WHERE `user_login` <> 'admin'"; $results = mysql_query($sql,$resB2) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error() . "
SQL : " . $sql); if ($results) { $cnt = 0; while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($results)) { // // DJL: 8/7/06 // $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->users (user_login, user_pass, user_email, user_url, user_registered, user_nicename, display_name) VALUES ('$result->user_login', '$result->user_pass', '$result->user_email', '$result->user_url', '$result->dateYMDhour', '$result->user_login', '$result->user_nickname')"); $user_id = $wpdb->insert_id; $arUser[$result->ID] = $user_id; if ($result->user_level > 9 ) { $user_level = 10; $wp_capabilities = serialize(array("administrator" => TRUE)); } else if ($result->user_level > 6 ) { $user_level = 7; $wp_capabilities = serialize(array("editor" => TRUE)); } else if ($result->user_level > 1 ) { $user_level = 2; $wp_capabilities = serialize(array("author" => TRUE)); } else if ($result->user_level > 0 ) { $user_level = 1; $wp_capabilities = serialize(array("contributor" => TRUE)); } else { $user_level = 0; $wp_capabilities = serialize(array("subscriber" => TRUE)); } $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->usermeta ( user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ( '$user_id', 'first_name', '$result->user_firstname' )"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->usermeta ( user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ( '$user_id', 'last_name', '$result->user_lastname' )"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->usermeta ( user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ( '$user_id', 'nickname', '$result->user_nickname' )"); // $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->usermeta ( user_id, meta_key, meta_value) // VALUES ( '$user_id', 'description', '' )"); // $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->usermeta ( user_id, meta_key, meta_value) // VALUES ( '$user_id', 'jabber', '' )"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->usermeta ( user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ( '$user_id', 'aim', '$result->user_aim' )"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->usermeta ( user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ( '$user_id', 'yim', '$result->user_yim' )"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->usermeta ( user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ( '$user_id', 'wp_user_level', '$user_level' )"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->usermeta ( user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ( '$user_id', 'wp_capabilities', '$wp_capabilities' )"); $cnt = $cnt + 1; } echo $cnt . " User record(s) imported!
"; } else { echo "No User records found!
"; } // // get categories // echo "Importing Category records ...
"; $sql = 'SELECT cat_name, cat_ID, cat_parent_id, cat_blog_ID, cat_description FROM `' . $b2_prefix . 'categories`'; if( $b2_blog != 'all' ) $sql .= ' WHERE cat_blog_ID IN (' . $b2_blog . ')'; $sql .= ' ORDER BY cat_blog_ID, cat_parent_id, cat_ID'; $results = mysql_query($sql,$resB2) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error() . "
SQL : " . $sql); if ($results) { $cnt = 0; $id_result = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$wpdb->categories'"); $newCatID = $id_result->Auto_increment; // fake the blogs as top-level categories while($b2blog = mysql_fetch_object($b2blogs)) { if( $b2_lb ) import_linkblog( $b2blog->blog_links_blog_ID ); if( $b2_bac ) { $b2blog->cat_name = $wpdb->escape(wp_specialchars($b2blog->blog_name)); if( sanitize_title($b2blog->blog_stub) == $b2blog->blog_stub ) $b2blog->cat_nicename = sanitize_title($b2blog->blog_stub); else $b2blog->cat_nicename = sanitize_title($b2blog->blog_shortname); $b2blog->cat_description = $wpdb->escape( $b2blog->blog_description); $b2blog->cat_parent_id = 0; $b2blog->cat_blog_id = 0; $b2blog->cat_ID = $b2blog->blog_ID * -1; $arCat[$b2blog->cat_ID] = $newCatID ++; $categories[$cnt ++] = $b2blog; } } // echo '
categories (just blogs so far)';
//		print_r ($categories);
//		echo '
'; // now the "real" cats! //$id_result = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$wpdb->categories'"); //$newCatID = $id_result->Auto_increment; while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($results)) { $result->cat_name = $wpdb->escape( wp_specialchars($result->cat_name)); $result->cat_nicename = sanitize_title($result->cat_name); $result->cat_description = $wpdb->escape( wp_specialchars($result->cat_description) ); $arCat[$result->cat_ID] = $newCatID ++; $categories[$cnt ++] = $result; } // remap category parent IDs and insert foreach($categories as $result) { if($b2_bac) { if( !$result->cat_parent_id ) $result->cat_parent_id = $result->cat_blog_ID * -1; } $result->cat_parent_id = $arCat[$result->cat_parent_id]; $result->cat_ID = $arCat[$result->cat_ID]; $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->categories (cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename, category_parent, category_description) VALUES ('$result->cat_ID', '$result->cat_name', '$result->cat_nicename', '$result->cat_parent_id', '$result->cat_description')"); } echo $cnt . " category record(s) imported!
"; } else { echo "No category records found!
"; } // get entries for blog echo "Importing Entry records ...
"; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $b2_prefix . 'posts` INNER JOIN `' . $b2_prefix . 'categories` ON cat_ID = post_category'; echo "\nExact query is: $sql\nand b2_prefix = [$b2_prefix]\n"; if( $b2_blog != 'all' ) $sql .= ' WHERE cat_blog_ID IN (' . $b2_blog . ')'; $results = mysql_query($sql,$resB2) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error() . "
SQL : " . $sql); if ($results) { $cnt = 0; $cntCom = 0; $cntCat = 0; while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($results)) { // TODO: Import ALL posts with ANY cats in ANY selected blogs, not just main cat. // check to make sure it's got an allowed category from the postcats table. // if not, then continue. // this will slow things down a bit, but no biggie. // Comment out the 'where cat_blog_ID IN...' line above. // author ID must be switched to new author ID $post_author = $arUser[$result->post_author]; // category ID must be switched to new category ID $post_cat = $arCat[$result->post_category]; if (!$cid) { $cid = '1'; } // status mapping $stat = $result->post_status; switch($stat) { case 'published': $stat='publish'; break; case 'deprecated': switch($b2_importdep) { case 'private': $stat = 'private'; break; case 'draft': $stat = 'draft'; break; case 'abandon': continue; break; case 'publish': $stat = 'publish'; } break; case 'published': $stat = 'publish'; break; case 'protected': $stat = 'private'; break; case 'draft': $stat = 'draft'; break; } // update urls in the post content // IZS - removed this bit. I'm keeping my files where they are! // $post_content = str_replace($filepath_b2, $filepath_wp, $result->post_content); $post_content = $result->post_content; // if there is a post_URL, then put it at the start of the post in its own paragraph. $dometa = false; $metaurl = ''; if( $result->post_url && $b2_posturl != 'ignore' ) { if( $b2_posturl == 'meta' || $b2_posturl == 'postandmeta' ) { $dometa = true; $metaurl = $wpdb->escape($result->post_url); // echo 'url: [' . $metaurl . ']'; } if( $b2_posturl == 'post' || $b2_posturl == 'postandmeta' ) { $link = '' . "\n\n"; $post_content = $link . $post_content; } } $post_excerpt = $post_content; /* IZS: Removed Post_excerpt stuff. Comment the next line to bring it back: */ $post_excerpt = ''; if( strpos(strtolower($post_excerpt), '') !== false ) { $post_excerpt = preg_replace('//i','',$post_excerpt); } if( strpos(strtolower($post_excerpt), '') !== false ) { //had a weird problem here with vs vs etc. //that's why the next line with the /i switch, which looks like it does nothing. //actually, this is LCase-ing all the stuff. $post_excerpt = preg_replace('//i','',$post_excerpt); $post_excerpt = explode('', $post_excerpt); $post_excerpt = $post_excerpt[0]; } $metaimg = ''; if( preg_match('#]+>#', $result->post_title, $matches) ) { // title has an image in the title. - i do this sometimes, and it fubars the importer a little. // echo 'image found!
$matches: ';
//				print_r($matches);
//				echo '
'; $metaimg = $matches[1]; $dometa = true; $result->post_title = strip_tags($result->post_title); if(!$result->post_title) $result->post_title = '[Image]'; } $post_content = $wpdb->escape($post_content); $post_excerpt = $wpdb->escape($post_excerpt); $post_title = $wpdb->escape($result->post_title); $post_name = sanitize_title($result->post_urltitle); $post_date_gmt = get_gmt_from_date($result->post_issue_date); $post_moddate_gmt = get_gmt_from_date($result->post_mod_date); $sqlquery = "INSERT INTO $wpdb->posts (post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_title, post_type, post_status, post_name, post_excerpt, post_modified, post_modified_gmt) VALUES ('$post_author', '$result->post_issue_date', '$post_date_gmt', '$post_content', '$post_title', 'post', '$stat', '$post_name', '$post_excerpt', '$result->post_mod_date', '$post_moddate_gmt')"; echo "\nRunning SQL: $sqlquery\n"; $wpdb->query($sqlquery); echo "Inserted '$post_title'
"; $id = $wpdb->insert_id; $eid = $result->ID; $cnt = $cnt + 1; // get comments for entry $sql = 'SELECT ' . 'CASE WHEN u.ID IS NULL THEN c.comment_author ELSE ' . 'CASE u.user_idmode ' . "WHEN 'nickname' THEN u.user_nickname " . "WHEN 'login' THEN u.user_login " . "WHEN 'namefl' THEN CONCAT(u.user_firstname, ' ', u.user_lastname) " . "WHEN 'namelf' THEN CONCAT(u.user_lastname, ' ', u.user_firstname) " . "WHEN 'firstname' THEN u.user_firstname " . "WHEN 'lastname' THEN u.user_lastname " . 'ELSE u.user_nickname END ' . "END AS 'author', " . "CASE WHEN u.ID IS NULL THEN c.comment_author_email ELSE u.user_email END AS 'author_email', " . "CASE WHEN u.ID IS NULL THEN c.comment_author_url ELSE u.user_url END AS 'author_url', " . 'comment_author_IP, comment_content, comment_post_ID, comment_date, comment_karma, comment_type, comment_author_ID ' . 'FROM `' . $b2_prefix . 'comments` as c ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . $b2_prefix . 'users` as u ON ' . 'u.ID = c.comment_author_id ' . 'WHERE comment_post_ID=' . $eid; $subResults = mysql_query($sql, $resB2) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error() . "
SQL : " . $sql); if ($subResults) { while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($subResults)) { if ($b2_importtb || ($result->comment_type != 'trackback')) { $author = $wpdb->escape( apply_filters('pre_comment_author_name', $result->author)); $email = $wpdb->escape( apply_filters('pre_comment_author_email', $result->author_email)); $url = $wpdb->escape( apply_filters('pre_comment_author_url', $result->author_url)); $comment = apply_filters('pre_comment_content', $result->comment_content); $comment = apply_filters('post_comment_text', $comment); $comment = apply_filters('comment_content_presave', $comment); $user_ip = apply_filters('pre_comment_user_ip', $result->comment_author_IP); $comment_date_gmt = get_gmt_from_date("$result->comment_date"); // author ID must be switched to new author ID $post_author = $arUser[$result->comment_author_ID]; $wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->comments ( comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_author_IP, comment_date, comment_date_gmt, comment_content, comment_karma, comment_type, user_id) VALUES ( '$id', '$author', '$email', '$url', '$user_ip', '$result->comment_date', '$comment_date_gmt', '$comment', '$result->comment_karma', '$result->comment_type', '$post_author')"); // // djl // $count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = '$id' AND comment_approved = '1'"); $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET comment_count = $count WHERE ID = '$id'" ); $cntCom = $cntCom + 1; } } } // do meta for url if requested if( $dometa ) { if($metaurl) { $metasql = "INSERT INTO $wpdb->postmeta (post_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (" . $id . ", 'URL', '" . $metaurl . "')"; $wpdb->query($metasql); } if($metaimg) { $metasql = "INSERT INTO $wpdb->postmeta (post_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (" . $id . ", 'IMG', '" . $metaimg . "')"; $wpdb->query($metasql); } } // get categories for entry $cntTmp = 0; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $b2_prefix . "postcats` WHERE postcat_post_ID=" . $eid; $subResults = mysql_query($sql, $resB2) or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error() . "
SQL : " . $sql); if ($subResults) { while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($subResults)) { $cid = $arCat[$result->postcat_cat_ID]; $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->post2cat (post_id, category_id) VALUES ('$id', '$cid')"); $cntCat = $cntCat + 1; $cntTmp = $cntTmp + 1; } } if ($cntTmp == 0) { // No categories defined in b2evo - put it in the default category $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->post2cat (post_id, category_id) VALUES ('$id', '1')"); $cntCat = $cntCat + 1; } } echo "$cnt entry record(s) imported!
"; echo "$cntCom comment record(s) imported!
"; echo "$cntCat entry category record(s) imported!
"; } else { echo "No entry records found!
"; } mysql_close($resB2); echo "That's all folks!"; break; } ?>